Sunday, April 12, 2009

North Korean leader seen in public

The first photo in a few weeks shows how much the Dear Leader has aged in the last 6 months. Last week he was seen inspecting military and rocket bases in North Korea, and joining troops dancing in the streets to celebrate the successful launch of the Taepodong missile, which was allegedly shot out of the stratosphere by USAF in a covert mission.

"In recent weeks, North Korean media have released video images of Mr Kim touring farms and factories, in what analysts say was a strategy designed to show he was fit and well before the parliament vote.
Some observers suggest that even Sunday's rocket launch was timed for maximum propaganda value ahead of the parliamentary session.

Mr Kim was confirmed in his third term as the country's leader
Analysts say Mr Kim received a domestic boost from the launch, despite widespread foreign criticism of what was seen as a disguised missile test."

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